Change backup directroy

my MIAB backups are becoming huge. i host at linode and have added a volume. How do I change the path of where the backups are stored; from /home/user-data/backup/encrypted to /mnt/mailsvr.

i’ve done a lot of reading and research but don’t have a clear solution to change the path.

There are at least a few different ways to do this. While I haven’t had to do it, when I’ve looked at it because I know those sands of time are ticking, I decided in favor of either mounting the block storage device directly to /home/user-data/backup or using a symlink from that location to the device.

I would do this by copying the /home/user-data/backup to the storage device, moving the current backups to a different directory name (e.g., mv /home/user-data/backup /home/user-data/old-backup), then configuring either the new mount location or symlink. This way I’ve got exactly what I had before in case something goes wrong, and after some number of successful nightly backups, delete or move to block storage the directory with the old files.

There is also a way to change the location in /home/user-data/settings.yaml, but you’ll need to search around to figure out how to use it, but it’s related to setting storage_root to a different location. The setup guide states how to configure on install:

Advanced: To change the default location where Mail-in-a-Box stores all of its data, you can set an environment variable named ‘STORAGE_ROOT’ before running the setup script.

export STORAGE_ROOT=/your/desired/path

I honestly would mount the storage at /home/user-data.

If the backups are large, then the underlying data is even larger in volume, since the backups are compressed. Even if not compressed, it seems that it would be preferable to have the data on a larger storage partition if storage is even an issue.

The caveat being that if the block storage device is less reliable than the system storage device, then the server is borked instead of just the backup storage.

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Excellent Point! I have become spoiled as my provider of choice’s “storage” is just as reliable as their normal disk. So, I did overlook this area of concern.

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