I had MIB working for over a year on a server - backing up to Amazon s3. I installed mib on a new server instance - ubuntu 18.04, clean nothing on it. Installation went fine. I copied the s3 backup files to a folder on the new server and ran
systemctl stop mailinabox
export PASSPHRASE=xxxxxx
sudo -E duplicity restore --force file://MyBackupFolder /home/user-data/
systemctl start mailinabox
All accounts are there along with all the mail. But I can’t get the ssl certs installed. After looking around forums and such I tried copying the ssl folder to a backup, deleting everything in it and running the ssl script in the management section. No luck.
tried running sudo mailinabox - no luck
Re instanced the ubuntu 18.04 with a new install and when through most of the above steps - no luck.
I’ve tried re-provisioning - that didn’t work.
I run the ssl_certicates.py and get
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] nosuch file or directory: ‘/home/user-data/ssl/ssl_ceriticate.pem’
So I tried moving the ssl_certificate.pem from my backup back in the ssl folder and re-ran ssl_certificates.py and got OSError: [Error 22] Invalid argument: ‘/home/user-data/ssl/ssl_certificate.pem’.
And then I came here.
I’m just guessing here but it when I did the restore does that over write a certificate that is particular to the server it’s on? Just guessing.
Help would be appreciated.
thank you.