I looked at the Firefox developer web console while loading /admin with decentraleyes turned on. There were the three errors/warnings below.
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.3/jquery.min.js. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). :: <unknown>
None of the "sha256" hashes in the integrity attribute match the content of the subresource. :: admin
Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery :: bootstrap.min.js:6:37
This led me to Breaks report-uri analyse tools · Issue #17 · Synzvato/decentraleyes · GitHub (and a couple of other linked issues)
The decentraleyes developer sez:
But should not the hashes be equal if the file is exactly the same […].
That’s a very good observation! The injected code is, of course,
fully identical. Bundled files have been stripped of things like source
mapping comments, because the actual mapping files are not bundled to
save space. Also, by default, Decentraleyes adds comments to injected
files to signal local delivery.
A tool to ensure resource integrity is included in the add-on, and is
also used by reviewers at Mozilla to make sure the actual code is
unaltered. So that’s why regular file fingerprints often don’t match.
The reason the other attribute crossorigin causes
issues, is because it demands that the responses contain headers that
state cross-origin requests are allowed. Decentraleyes currently
redirects requests to data URIs. That particular protocol has nothing to do with HTTP, so chaos ensues.
That’s the problem in a nutshell. Any ideas or suggestions are highly welcome!
So, TL;DR, the combination of the crossorigin and integrity attributes of the <script> tags in the /admin page aren’t currently supported by decentraleyes, so you need to whitelist your email domain in the addon until the addon is fixed.
UPDATE 2016-05-09: Decentraleyes v1.3.5, which was released recently appears to fix the issues with the admin pages of MiaB. I removed my mailserver from the Decentraleyes whitelist, and everything worked as expected.
The Decentraleyes release notes include:
Enhanced: Improved CDN-mappings.
The add-on now supports a greater amount of Google Hosted Libraries
shorthand mappings. This effectively means that it’s now able to detect
even more injection opportunities, and can prevent an even higher amount
of requests to this particular network.