Can I rename my old box and gain access to it?

I had my box on Digital Ocean but had flagged the IP as being from a spammer. No amount of emails could get them to change.

So I have moved to a new IP and successfully set up my box.

However, I’m having trouble moving the backup over the new box.

But I don’t really care or need that. If I can sign into the old box and read any old mail I happen to need, that’d be fine.

I figure: new domain name, new glue, rename Digital Ocean droplet to, and sudo mailbox.

Will this work or will it hopelessly mess everything up?

Yes, it will work.

Also if your old box is still up and running, you can rsync the /home/user-data/ from the old to the new. Then delete the contents of the /home/user-data/ssl/ directory. THEN rerun sudo mailinabox. You should then have all of your users and email in place on the new box.

Thank you. It worked!

For some reason, the SSL Certificate of didn’t go over and would not let me do the auto Let’s Encrypt, do I manually inserted a Zero SSL certificate.

But otherwise, pretty happy.

Do you think I can just rerun the setup and give it a new name? Would my box keep all it’s configuration when I’m renaming it?

Yes, of course … but necroposting a 5 year old post ?

Well, it’s better to keep related issue under the same topic. Is it not?

The rename didn’t work at all, I had to start a fresh box.

It is really not straightforward to rename your mail server.
I configured new glue record for that renamed server
Removed the glue record from the old box

It was very misconfigured, it would not figure out the glue records.
I let it go for 12h before poking at it.

Then I decide to pop a new fresh instance of MIAB. Then it resolved instantly, name sever detected everything was working.
Then I went back to try to retore a backup over that.

Try to reinstall, could not get the SSL to work NGinx would not start. Tried many things from here, couldn’t get it to get my backup.

Ended up starting fresh and not being able to restore the backup on it.

I couldn’t find a procedure to switch the name of a box with a smooth simple process…

Now I’m restoring the old box on it’s original name, will see what I can do from there.

from: Mail-in-a-Box Maintenance Guide

I did that, but still had issues. Had to start with a new box… Now it seems that restoring a new box on the same IP address with a different name, is causing some issue with slave DNS… can’t figure out why they won’t update or talk with the new box, seems they are stock on the old box name.

I noticed your mention of issues with the secondary DNS provider in another topic here, somewhere …

My suggestion, ask the secondary provider to completely delete the zone and set it up again. For instance if it were Puck, I’d just delete the domain, and add it back. Not sure how your provider will want to do it.

Yes, I was on puck and a few other 5 different one.
I deleted everything from those and now waiting a few days for things to clear up, and then will try to reconfigure them.