Bugzilla with Mail-in-a-Box?

I’m trying to setup my Bugzilla installation to send bug email through Mail-in-a-Box. However, I am unable to get it to send email. I was able to get it working through Gmail just fine, however, the custom server does not work. Sending email from the same account manually works just fine, it just doesn’t work with Bugzilla.

If I disable SSL, I get this error:
There was an error sending mail from 'bugs@neonorb.com' to 'chris@hichris.com': failed AUTH: Command unknown: 'AUTH'

If it’s enabled, I get this error:
There was an error sending mail from 'bugs@neonorb.com' to 'chris@hichris.com': unable to establish SMTP connection to box.neonorb.com port 587

I’ve also tried using port 25 instead of 587, I get the same error messages.

I’m using the configuration instructions straight from the instructions page:
server: bugs.neonorb.com:587
username: bugs@neonorb.com

Bugzilla does not have a STARTTLS option, just enable/disable SSL. Could this be the issue?

I don’t see anything of interest in the Bugzilla or the Mail-in-a-Box logs.

Any ideas?

So, taking a quick look at your DNS, there seems to be a bit of confusion.

box.neonorb.com resolves to
bugs.neonorb.com resolves to

You should enable SSL for bugzilla.

I’d just double check the hostnames and ensure that you’re trying to connect to the one running MIAB.

Thanks for the quick response!

Those are correct, I am hosting my email and Bugzilla on two different servers.

So, yes, if bugzilla is hosted on bugs.neonorb.com, you want to be sure your smtp settings point to box.neonorb.com

Barring that, mind sharing a pastbin or gist of the output of this command:

Also, it might be useful to see the last couple of lines of /var/log/mail.log

Here is the message sent to /var/log/mail.log (reproducible):

Feb  7 16:36:20 box postfix/submission/smtpd[31487]: warning: hostname neonorb.com does not resolve to address
Feb  7 16:36:20 box postfix/submission/smtpd[31487]: connect from unknown[]
Feb  7 16:36:20 box postfix/submission/smtpd[31487]: lost connection after UNKNOWN from unknown[]
Feb  7 16:36:20 box postfix/submission/smtpd[31487]: disconnect from unknown[]

Here’s the status checks. The reverse DNS will flip flop all the time, see this bug.

It appears this is actually an issue with Bugzilla. Very weird though, as it does work with Gmail…

Here’s the bug report: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1182445

I followed the work around and got it to work.