Block email addresses when using catch-all

I have a catch-all account, however I wish to disable specific email addresses so they do not go to the catch-all (or anywhere else for that matter). If an account does not exist or is archived, it goes to the catch all.

Ideally I would like for the system to not accept mails to that address in the first place, which is a feature I’ve seen others ask for as well.

Another possibility is I could create an alias to direct that email address to… somewhere? Nowhere? Is there a destination that immediately deletes the email? If not then the only recourse I see is to create a garbage user account and alias unwanted addresses to it. But then I would have to manually purge it from time to time.

Is there a proper way of handling this? Thanks!

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Well, I suppose you could create an account that receives unwanted emails from aliases, then set a cron job to delete emails in the directories for the account.

I would like to have this feature as well. I keep getting spam to a few email addresses. It would be nice to able to reject all emails to those aliases.

I too would like to have this feature. I do this right now in CPanel with a catchall and then selectively disabling certain addresses when they begin to collect spam. When you create a “forwarder” you have an option to discard the message:

This would be a welcome addition to the miab configuration screens.

4 years later, is this still not possible? Again to summarize, I have a catch-all for the domain, but I wish to have specific email addresses (spam-infested of course) that are treated as non-existent accounts so that mail sent to those accounts bounces.

You can always code this yourself and submit a PR :grinning:

If you feel strongly about adding the feature you can also potentially engage (hire) someone to do the PR for you, of course there is no guarantee that it will be merged, but Josh seems to be pretty reasonable.

**this is not an advertisement for me either - unfortunately I don’t know how to code.

How comfortable are you in the comma d line? This post seems to solve your issue. As always, before you make changes, take a backup of your config files and/or server snapshot if possible.