I had my main mailbox routing through SpamArrest. Love it or hate it, they’re a challenge/response service. Let’s not turn this into a debate on C/R, but let me also say that my spam count for the past five years has been zero. Literally zero.
Upon moving to MiaB, the combination of the RBL and Greylisting surely helps, but I’m now seeing about 20 spams per day.
This is clearly not acceptable.
Is there a better configuration for more aggressive anti-spam? Where can I kick-up the settings on things?
Better, is there a challenge/response system available that I can bolt on? I have no problem running my own, and I’m fully competent to do it (with the knowledge that MiaB owns config rewrites and the like).
Nothing “bolt on,” but there are paid solutions such as MailRoute (I’m not a customer, but I’ve heard good things) through which you route your mail (via creative MX records) and they filter it.
JoshData said in another thread that moving a message from the Spam folder should train SpamAssassin to not mark it as spam. It’s possible that the reverse is also true and that moving something into the Spam folder will help.