How do I get rid of this messages every night: Backups are working fine and this is not the version the MIAB is running.
sudo python3 --version
Python 3.10.12
Starting deprecation of python 3.8 support. Support for python 3.8. will finally removed with the release of 3.14. For details see
Using the suggestion above, I modified the management/ file like so:
# This script is run daily (at 3am each night).
# Set character encoding flags to ensure that any non-ASCII
# characters don't cause problems. See setup/ and
# the management daemon startup script.
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_TYPE=en_US.UTF-8
# On Mondays, i.e. once a week, send the administrator a report of total emails
# sent and received so the admin might notice server abuse.
if [ "$(date "+%u")" -eq 1 ]; then
management/ -t week | management/ "Mail-in-a-Box Usage Report"
# Take a backup.
export DUPLICITY_PYTHON_WARNING="Starting deprecation of python 3.8 support. Support for python 3.8. will finally removed with the release of 3.14. For details see https:\/\/\/versions\/"
management/ 2>&1 | sed 's/'"$DUPLICITY_PYTHON_WARNING"'//g' | management/ "Backup Status"
# Provision any new certificates for new domains or domains with expiring certificates.
management/ -q 2>&1 | management/ "TLS Certificate Provisioning Result"
# Run status checks and email the administrator if anything changed.
management/ --show-changes 2>&1 | management/ "Status Checks Change Notice"
This absolutely won’t survive an update, but perhaps it will survive until the deprecation message stops blaring at us.
Yes. I suspect the snap install we’re using has something to do with it, but I don’t know why that one would report the python deprecation, but the apt-based install would not.
duplicity --help | head -n1
Starting deprecation of python 3.8 support. Support for python 3.8. will finally removed with the release of 3.14. For details see