An unhandled exception has been thrown: OC\HintException: [0]: Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues

Updating system packages…
Installing system packages…
Initializing system random number generator…
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
Installing nsd (DNS server)…
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
Installing Postfix (SMTP server)…
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
Installing Dovecot (IMAP server)…
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
Installing OpenDKIM/OpenDMARC…
Installing SpamAssassin…
Installing Nginx (web server)…
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
WARN: uid is 0 but ‘/’ is owned by 107
Installing Roundcube (webmail)…
Installing ownCloud (contacts/calendar)…

FAILED: sudo -u www-data php /usr/local/lib/owncloud/console.php app:disable firstrunwizard

An unhandled exception has been thrown:
OC\HintException: [0]: Downgrading is not supported and is likely to cause unpredictable issues (from to ()

this error leads me to believe something is really wrong with your system:
WARN: uid is 0 but '/' is owned by 107

If I were you, i’d setup a new machine and restore from a backup.

Not possible this time since a lot domains depends on that server :(.
Changing server/ip will cause a lot of email issues.

MIAB is meant to be run on a standalone machine, that does nothing else. It makes a bunch of assumptions about the state of affairs of the server it is running on, essentially, that it is the only service. Additionally, it makes debugging it substantially easier, and restoring from backups substantially easier should something go wrong.

It an ideal setup, all you’d need to do is change the IP address of your glue records at your registrar, restore from a backup on the new machine and you are good to go. Substantial deviations from that make it harder to know whats wrong.

If the root of your filesystem is not owned by root, lots of weird things are going to go wrong.

Don’t think I can be much help to you. Sorry!

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