Aminstrators panel in Nextcloud miab


It seems that the adminstrator panel is not existing in the nextcloud version installed in miab.

I am looking to setup the email settings to setup calendar invites.

more information in this link:

please help

Best regards

This is not something I would do on a production email server running MIAB. However, the first step would be to unlock admin access for Nextcloud.

Presently you may access Nextcloud at, this will redirect you to From here you can log in with your account details.

At this point, you are a normal user without any admin rights to Nextcloud. You can upload files, photos and share them all through the web UI or phone app.

If you want admin rights to install plugins or some other reason then you need to run a script on the command line of your MIAB server, run as the non-privileged user you installed MIAB as.

The available script contains this warning.

This script will give you administrative access to the Nextcloud instance running here.
Run this at your own risk. This is for testing & experimentation purposes only. After this point you are on your own.

sudo mailinabox/tools/

Yes, the script references owncloud which came before.

Note that I have not tried this on MIAB v62 as I’m still running v57a. From a brief look in Github I believe the script has been updated for Ubuntu22.04 and PHP8.0

OKay I see, this seems dangerous to run on a production server.

I have been trying to enable the roundcube kolab/calender plugin but with no success.

@JoshData is there a way to add a plugin to roundcube easily without having too much troubles?

I don’t know what you would consider easy or trouble, so I don’t know how to answer that…

Nothing is easy when you want to add a new addition to nextcloud.
First, make a backup! Second, forget about the hackneyed way of activating the admin account. I’m not saying it’s a bad way, but it’s not a perfect solution.

Easy way to activate admin account for nextcloud:

1. log in to the server via ssh
2. cd /usr/local/lib/owncloud
3. sudo -u www-data php occ user:add --display-name="newadmin" --group="admin" newadmin
4. You will be asked for a password for newadmin

from now on you will have an additional admin account that is separate from the system admin account. Sorry for my English which is not my main language.

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The whole point here is that MiaB’s Nextcloud is not to be used for other than calendar and contacts, which is why it is made difficult.

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Well, for me, the point of having a calendar is its ability to send an email invitations for users participants in the event. If this is not activated then the calendar is not useful.

One of the interesting things that exists is the calendar plugin that is directly part of the Roundcube interface. It would be ideal in having this integrated in the next versions of miab. This would be interesting especially for those who use roundcube as the main email client like me.

Please @JoshData do you know if this is something that can be considered in the next versions? adding it to the script in miab is not that difficult as I can see there are already a couple of plugins that are already installed in the same way. It would be really a nice addition to have.