After update to version 0.5, I can't send email any more without TLS error to my MiaB

It is very strange:

  1. I can log in Web mail, and send and recieve emails
  2. I can send and receive email in IMAP using outlook client
  3. I was able to send an email to openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect =mailserver=:587 with success
  4. The client currently failing was working before the upgrade of mailinabox from 0.4 to 0.51
  5. If I force it to send on port 25, it works but I get most of the time a “Relay access denied” because of non secure sending
  6. When I use TLS :587, I always get the error:

Sending the email to the following server failed : =mailserver=:587
Could not convert socket to TLS
Received fatal alert: protocol_version

I have seen this solution and I try to implement it

I am blocked on:

  • Select TLS (SSL) Certificates
  • Select [Reprovision] button

There is no “reprovision” button on version 0.51, only a replacement for a paid one, or wait:

All certificates will be automatically renewed through [Let’s Encrypt] 14 days prior to expiration.

So, How can I force Let’s Encrypt certificate to be renewed?