Hello everyone. First off I have to say I am instantly a promoter of Mail-In-A-Box. For years I have struggled with trying to setup my own mail server and so how some person happened to post a link to this package on Reddit and I found it. Within literally 90 mins I was up and running my own privately maintained and hosted email address. You do not know how thankful I am for this. Thank you!
With that said, I am very interested in OwnCloud. I love how it’s included in the Mail-In-A-Box package. More importantly I love how it simply works. That said, the box I have is only 25gb; which is perfect for mail. I will never need more space than that for a mail account. However; cloud storage is a different situation.
I have been using iOS devices for many years. I am totally aware of the privacy infringing violations imposed; and that’s why I want to stop using iOS devices and iCloud (proprietary cloud-based services) and build my own.
That said; I can’t seem to figure out how to install OwnCloud on my server. If any could provide me with some links to tutorials or advice it would be greatly appreciated. I am in a position to install any Linux OS you recommend. I have a garage filled with old servers I love to tinker with.
I have very skilled with creating back up servers and have been preserving my digital data for many years. OwnCloud seems like a very easy, practical, and dependable solution towards helping me organize my years of digital data. If any one could be of assistance it would be greatly appreciated.