Additional Domain Will Send But Not Receive Mails?

Hi All,

I am new to MIAB I have just set it up today. I have my main e-mail sending and receiving mails correctly, however, my second mail account user will not receive mails only send. If you have any ideas that’d be great!

Ps: On a second note my domain registrar can’t update the nameservers to (I think it may be to do with the subdomain part?) They also don’t support glue records. The main email is working however so is this even needed?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks! Rob

Manually add the records shown for the second domain (in the External Domain tab of the admin panel!) to registrar DNS manager

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To add to this … you would NOT set any glue records for the second domain. Nor would you update the name servers.


Here is my recommendation that will save you time across multiple fronts:

Go to Namecheap and purchase a domain that you will use only for your mail server.

The DNS server provided with all domains at Namecheap supports pretty much everything you will need, including glue records.

It is worth the extra $12/yr.

I am not in any way affiliated with Namecheap, and you could accomplish the same things with other providers, I’m just not familiar with others for this usage.

Perfect, cheers for the recommendation :ok_hand:

To add to the recommendation offered, please avoid these gTLD’s as they have a reputation of being “spammy”.



I purchased a .xyz domain last spring, it has taken until maybe a few weeks ago to show up in inboxes for the oligopoly providers. Even at that, I’m emailing the same folks, so it may be their individual spam filters are bypassed while new recipients go to spam folders.

I had a somewhat similar issue … I was using an .xyz domain for a SMTP relay. It worked fine for a while, then emails started to go to Spam for M$ recipients. Once I moved from the .xyz domain, to a .com all was good again.

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