Thank you for your feedback. I had seen on Web => Static Hosting, the sentence, To add a domain to this table, create a dummy mail user or alias on the domain first and see the setup guide for adding nameserver records to the new domain at your registrar (but not glue records).
My problem is that each subdomain has its own webpage. I think I need to forward each subdomain to its own IP address. I am just not sure how to get the additional IP addresses on google’s platform.
You can host multiple domains on one ip. Just create the alias and under static web hosting you can see how to add HTML for those sites. You’ll even get certificates for those sub domains. The server supports SNI and every browser newer than IE 6 supports that I believe.
I just wish I understood what you meant by “just create the alias”.
To use an alias or any address besides your own login username in outbound mail, the sending user must be included as a permitted sender for the alias.
Which of the following do I choose?
Domain Alias?
If domain alias:
A domain alias forwards all otherwise unmatched email from one domain to another domain, preserving the part before the @-sign.
Alias (incoming catch-all domain). Enter just the part of an email address starting with the @-sign. You may use international (non-ASCII) characters for the domain part of the email address only. Should it be
Forwards To (forward to other domain). Enter just the part of an email address starting with the @-sign. I don’t understand what the other domain would be
Permitted SendersEither:
? Any mail user listed in the Fowards To box can send mail claiming to be from any address on the alias domain. or
? I’ll enter the mail users that can send mail claiming to be from any address on the alias domain.
It can be any of them. But go with regular. The alias can be Forwards to your own email. Permitted senders can be empty.
What that does is create an email address at that subdomain which forwards to you own email you already have. Only you can send from it (that is the permitted senders part)