ActiveSync (z-push) not working

I am using the master, not the beta. I am attempting to configure an Android 4.4.4 (Nexus 5) phone to collect email via z-push. When I attempt to connect, it looks as if it is passing only the username portion of the email address. I assume I can change the z-push config without breaking anything to use the entire email address? Logs below just in case I am missing something.

scottd@box:~# tail -f /var/log/z-push/z-push-error.log
24/09/2014 02:06:07 [ 2670] [ERROR] [scott.damron] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott.damron’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:27:43 [ 2659] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:28:29 [ 2654] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:29:34 [ 2654] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:30:18 [ 2654] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:40:27 [ 2654] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:40:57 [ 2654] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:42:13 [ 2659] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:44:09 [ 2654] [ERROR] [scott] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)
24/09/2014 02:44:32 [ 2659] [ERROR] [scott.damron] BackendIMAP->Logon(): can’t connect as user ‘scott.damron’ on ‘{localhost:993/imap/ssl/norsh/novalidate-cert}’: [CLOSED] IMAP connection broken (server response)

Oh, and that is two different accounts I am attempting to use, just in case you notice the two different usernames.

I feel lonely…replying to my own posts. :smile: Anyway - If you run into this same issue, just do the following:

cd /usr/local/lib/z-push/
(use your favorite editor, I prefer vim)
vim config.php
find the line that says
"define(‘USE_FULLEMAIL_FOR_LOGIN’, false);“
and change it to
"define(‘USE_FULLEMAIL_FOR_LOGIN’, true);”

That fixed the login issue. Now I seem to have mail appearing and disappearing on me…very odd, it shows up, but then when the phone connects again, it clears the inbox and show “No Messages” for a bit. The next time I get an email, they all show up again.

Very odd…I am off to investigate! :smile:

Thanks for looking into this! Z-Push changed on us. I’ll push this fix and push a new release in a few minutes…

thx for the fast patch.