504 Gateway Error

Hi, a new to MIAB. I completed setup with come challenges installing my ssl certificate. I finally got one installed manually, but now when I try to login to my mail, I get a 504 Gateway Time-out error. I can login to admin with no problem.

I saw a couple of other postings about similar issues, but didn’t see a resolution on the one posting that seemed most applicable. Any thoughts on where I started looking for a resolution. Heads up that I am not a power user.

Login to https://box.example.com/cloud then try /mail

Thank you for the reply. I was able to login with /cloud, but /mail still gets an error.

Anything in the logs?

Here’s what I captured from the log:

[04-Jul-2018 09:33:35 America/New_York] Failed to connect to box.cloudcio.tech port 443: Connection timed out
[04-Jul-2018 09:33:35 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Httpful\Exception\ConnectionErrorException: Unable to connect to “https://box.cloudcio.tech:443/cloud/remote.php/carddav/addressbooks/XXX@example.com/contacts”: 7 Failed to connect to box.cloudcio.tech port 443: Connection timed out in /usr/local/lib/roundcubemail/plugins/carddav/vendor/nategood/httpful/src/Httpful/Request.php:1028

Also saw these errors in the log:


Hello, is anyone able to provide any insight on what may be going with my install?

A reinstall might be an option

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