Version number corrupted after upgrade?

BTW, I was seeing the exact same issue after the v64->v65 upgrade. Thanks. dms’s earlier “bandaid” worked for me. What would be the git command to revert things before doing the next upgrade?

Another equally valid thing would be for someone who knows git to verify dms’s hypothesis that changing the tag won’t affect future upgrades. I may try that “off to the side” somewhere. Since it didn’t change any source files, nothing should be “skipped” during a future upgrade.

It’s a detached head, but with no source files changed from v65 (the usual reason for a “detached head”). :wink:

It’s a detached HEAD because it does a checkout on the tag. As to the commands to undo the conversion of the tag from lightweight to annotated, I believe you can just delete the tag and pull from upstream and it will recreate the tag as it is upstream.

From inside the /root/mailinabox directory:

git tag -d v65
git pull
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If you copy and paste it’ll fail thanks to Discourse using the wrong Ascii for ". If you type it it’ll work.

Why can’t Josh just fix the version number on github so we don’t have this issue?

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I just upgraded from v64 to v65 without this issue.
Seems to have been fixed.

Just looked at github and can confirm that Josh changed the tag to annotated.

Now that the upstream v65 tag is annotated I’ve done my best to convert my /root/mailinabox clone to match upstream again. Here’s the following commands I ran to successfully get the annotated tag on my system.

A warning to everyone. I’m no git expert and I would gladly see someone who’s better a git offer a cleaner way to do this. I say that because this procedure gets all the tags from origin, not just v65, but it’s what I’ve got. Follow this at your own risk:

As “root” from the /root/mailinabox directory, you will first delete the tag then fetch tags from upstream:

git tag -d v65
git fetch -t

You can confirm this is the annotated tag by running, "git show v65" afterwards, and you can see the annotation Josh added to the tag:

root@mail:~/mailinabox# git show v65
tag v65
Tagger: Joshua Tauberer <>
Date:   Mon Oct 30 08:42:14 2023 -0400

Version 65 (October 27, 2023)

* Roundcube updated to 1.6.4 fixing a security vulnerability.
* updated to version 2.7.1.
* Fixed a typo in the control panel.

I just deleted the local copy on my system and re-installed as usual:

rm -rf /root/mailinabox
curl -s | sudo bash

Thereafter everything’s fine again :slight_smile:

Thanks for the heads-up, something to remember.

This suggests that it’s corrected after doing these things it would be keen to know what the heck happened. @alento seems to be a person to tag for things like this. or @JoshData I honestly don’t know who specifically but it doesn’t look like either of them have seen this thread maybe.

Hi all. Apologies for the original tagging problem and for the radio silence. I had no idea what the issue was until @dms spotted it in their comment above — thanks @dms! I fixed it shortly after that. But anyone whose box already git fetched the tags got stuck with the outdated tag info. Probably with the next release everything will be back to normal for everyone.


same here!

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy

A new version of Mail-in-a-Box is available. You are running version 03145542076c80ab2af3a3b12b94c0da50a631fa. The latest version is v65. For upgrade instructions, see