QC on fingerprint before even visiting admin page

Ok, I am spent, will catch up tomorrow, thanks for your guidance and patience.

I am obviously lacking some technical understanding here…

Addition: Alright, so not there is no possible way for me to check this now, unbeknownst to my self, the LE cert installed it-self, as stated earlier by you and your peer.

Bummer… Guess I will go from ground zero and be sure to check the hash for 256 instead of 1. What I am confused about is the confused layout of Brave’s cert identifier. No where it says SHA1, and as seen it says SHA256. When I went to investigate, there was no way to click on any additional information as suggested by the forum. So This morning I opened up firefox and… (Start from the top of this post for clarification…)


Firefox may be a better option. However, Brave interface you show looks similar to the generic Microsoft interface, which is why I thought you could click it. It also looks like there is a drop-down menu at ‘Show:’ which may have an option which allows you to display the SHA-256 hash. Seems really complicated compared to other versions of the same browser. Weird.

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Other than perhaps a simpler UX, why would firefox be better than a chromium clone?

Better is subjective. In this case, Firefox is using a different codebase, so maybe it is easier to display the SHA-256 fingerprint.

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Installation script has begun. Will finish in the coming time ahead. Will edit this post to update…

Due to new user limitations, I am putting this in a second post…

Bravo! Looks like we got a green light and can lock this thread. :slight_smile:

lol, after trying to post this I got…
You’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 7 hours before trying again.

Guess I will be back to the future…

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I didn’t know about that forum setting. I don’t think the chat worked against you, but there is also the Slack channel:

One last questions:

Can you please run the following and paste the output:

$ free -h

I’m trying to see if Vultr ever added swap to their Ubuntu instances.

And please confirm if you are using the standard Cloud Compute or High Frequency Compute.

I really appreciate it.

no problem, It’s High Frequency, Stand by for verbose output.


Swap: 1.9G

I’m guessing you chose the 2GB ($12) tier?

Six dollars$$$$$$$$$$$$
Sorry for the unnecessary extra characters, 20min char limit in this forum apparently…