Mail-In-A-Box How To On YouTube

David thanks for your patience.

I see the four name servers in Lightsail, but I don’t see where/how to put them in Route 53.



The best way to describe it is how I already did. I’m sorry. I show how to do it in the video. It will show you how to change the Nameservers. Just head to the Route53 section :slight_smile:
Good luck

Honestly, the video is 1hr43min in length.

Might I suggest that you index your guide to the time in the video? I think that would help some people out such as Dennis.

It is about 17 minutes into the video.

Got things changed. Waiting for things to propagate through.

For some reason I can’t ping the static IP address. I can talk to the machine via the Lightsail web interface.


At the moment I’m in the middle of a huge project for a client. When I find some time I’ll be cutting those video’s up and adding segments to the Knowledgebase of BitsVital. But, it’s definitely not my first concern. I have a few other videos on the plate to make first. :confused:

Check the firewall on your Lightsail instance.

@pupsncats Thank you for all your help. Everything is working or will be. I have killed my instance and started over several times. (Developing muscle memory! Grin)
That last time I started over, I forgot to open all the ports, so I could not ping the instance.
The only issue now is reverse DNS. It has been fixed but is slow propagating thru all the systems. Got the OK email back from AWS.
The Status Check page complains about DNSSEC but I guess that is not a problem in the Lightsail environment since it is all in AWS.

Thanks again.

Now to migrate my other domain names over to AWS.


No problem. Ignore DNSSEC. Route53 doesn’t support DNSEC.
Glad I could help! :slight_smile:

@pupsncats Does your Status Page show Reverse DNS is set correctly?

I filled out the form to request it be set and after a day or so got an email reply saying it had been set as requested. It has been a week and it still points to the ec2 cluster on the status page.

I checked with and get the same.


Did you apply to have the port 25 email sending limitations removed? That’s when AWS support set’s up your reverse DNS. They do both at the same time. It’s a security feature to prevent spamming.



We have configured the reverse DNS record(s) you requested. Your request was mapped for:

Please note that propagation of this update to DNSBL services that Amazon works with may take up to a week.

Email sending limitations have also been removed for any resources for the region your EIP is located in.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

I use MXTool box too to check mine too. All of mine which have been…I don’t somewhere between twenty and fifty Mail-In-A-Box servers over the years have all updated within a few hours after I received the confirmation email.

If it’s been a week I’d send the form again. Verify the correct static ip address is in the form. And let them know in the comments that it’s been a week and reverse DNS has not been updated. Then open a support ticket,

I’ve never had a problem with that before. I’ve had some trouble when registering domains when it first came out. And another reason I like Amazon. I can actually talk or chat with a real person.

I’m sure you’re on the free support plan like myself. You can still contact support. Just use “general” as the category. If you call just let them know it’s part of the “free service” they never give me a problem at all. They will mark the ticket that you created before calling and send it over to…I guess Route53 department to take a look into it.

Best Regards.
Have a great rest of your weekend!

@pupsncats After bugging them again about rDNS not being set as requested, things are fixed now.

Thanks for your help.

Can you point me at a good “how to” for setting up S3 as the backup location instead of using the local backup?


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