IPV6 only mail server

I can’t be definitive (my box is dual stack) but I don’t see why not! There seems to be a preference for IPv4 only amongst the forum, so there’s less experience, but all the subsystems handle IPv6. I can’t see anything that is IPv4 only. (… waits for another reader to point out something obvious that I missed … :flushed:)

A few questions before you leap into things. Are you reasonably technical? Does your ISP open all ports? Are you guaranteed a fixed IP address? If the answers are “yes” - give it a go.

(Re fixed address, it might be conceivable but it is not practical to operate email using DDNS. You really do want a fixed address.)

There will be one thing that the install instructions do not cover - reverse DNS entries. For IPv4, your ISP does all the work - you only have to tell them the DNS name of your box. But for IPv6, RDNS is handled by “delegation”. You set a flag at the ISP and the ISP and passes reverse queries to your authoritative name server - so you have to set your box up with appropriate information. (Things will “work” without RDNS but will score very poorly for spam, you’ll have trouble sending to anyone.)

Setting up reverse entries is not difficult, but it’s a manual process. You need to be happy using editor and the command line. I wrote some how-to notes on another thread - those were for dual stack boxes, so some minor details will by wrong, but the how-to-build-IPv6-reverse-entries should be correct. Feel free to PM me.