How to Install the Latest Version of Rainloop?

As root@mail:~/mailinabox/tools#

I entered

and got

I am going to unlock admin features for
You can provide another user to unlock as the first argument of this script.

WARNING: you could break mail-in-a-box when fiddling around with Nextcloud’s admin interface
If in doubt, press CTRL-C to cancel.

Press enter to continue.

Next, I navigated to in my browser.

I see the login page.

user = the username I use to login to MIAB’s admin panel; e.g.,
password = the password I use fo the MIAB admin panel

I don’t see an Apps page or Rainloop.

I went to the Owncloud App store and searched for Rainloop. Next, I downloaded the latest version as a zip file; e.g., I then returned to my Owncloud page and uploaded the zip file.

I found this installation guide on github, but it appears to be out of date.

If I go into

root@box:/home/user-data/owncloud/ I see the zip file.

Next, I unzipped the rainloop zip file


to get:

Then, I chowned the directory with
chown -R www-data:www-data ./.

But when I go to the server’s domain and login to admin panel: “https://domain.tld/rainloopfolder?admin” it does not work.

“you have to find a way to get that tar.gz file to /var/www/???/apps/ and then you extract it there and that’s it. that simple. then after that go to you owncloud url and it’ll show up in your apps list, then just enable it.”

So, then I decided to try NextCloud. I see an Apps area. I see the Rainloop app, but I can not see how to enable it. Where is the enable button? Collaboration | TechRepublic

After enabling in Nextcloud, go to Nextcloud admin panel, “Additionnal settings” and you will see a “Rainloop webmail” section. There, click on the link to go to the Rainloop admin panel. The default user/password is admin/12345.