Digital Ocean IP's being blacklisted by more and more ESP's

I also had to change a few servers to use a SMTP relay, being on block lists was taking up more and more of my time on DO. Some have never had issues that I’m aware of.

It would be good to see this as an official feature in MIAB honestly, not sure if there has been a discussion on this before?

Same as others on DO, hosting a mail server for many years in their Amsterdam datacenter without problems. I joined them even before they started blocking port 25 per default.

I’m also hosting on DO and my ip hasn’t yet showed up on any of the popular blocklists. Not sure what the implications of this post are.

A post was split to a new topic: Entire ASN blocked by mrxbl because reasons

Oh yeah? but this doesn´t mean that you are not blocked by many, or most of your e-mails go straight to spam folders. I block anything from digital scum because I´m fed up getting tons of phishing and spam mails from their shady network.

I’m using BuyVM for a few years now and I’ve never had a mail fail to be delivered yet.

This post should probably be updated. @alento

article linked has been updated with the following

UPDATE: DigitalOcean has worked with us to resolve this, and their IPs are no longer listed at MXRBL by default. The following is only useful for historical data.

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Thanks for updating @sendalert

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