Create shorter DKIM

There’s two issues with using my own box for DNS. First being my clients want to manage their own records, and secondly I can’t seem to actually add my box’s nameservers to some domains, I get weird responses like “the nameservers supplied are not registered nameservers” and I have no idea what that means or how to resolve that.

For anyone else wondering how to fall back to 1024bit keys:

vi $HOME/mailinabox/setup/

Change the following:

if [ ! -f "$STORAGE_ROOT/mail/dkim/mail.private" ]; then
    opendkim-genkey -b 2048 -r -s mail -D $STORAGE_ROOT/mail/dkim


#if [ ! -f "$STORAGE_ROOT/mail/dkim/mail.private" ]; then
    opendkim-genkey -b 1024 -r -s mail -D $STORAGE_ROOT/mail/dkim

And then re-run mailinabox. Once the setup is complete, remember to uncomment the lines above in $HOME/mailinabox/setup/