Admin panel broken after restore/upgrade

I have 2 installations. One works, one stopped hours ago. I compared the 2 systems re those permissions before changing things and the working and broken systems have the same permissions for all the files and dirs there.

That might be a v69 problem. Mine is v68.

Yes, I have 1 v68 running fine, that was how I figured out the bad permissions.

I did also try to install v68 on this new host and it came up with the same bad permissions, that led me to conclude it was something about my host, but i now think this was a wrong conclusion.

Perhaps this is happening due to changes in one of MIAB’s dependencies.

So your v68 permissions are /usr/local/lib/mailinabox/vendor 0664 for files, 0775 for folders /home/user-data 0664 for files, 0775 for folders?

My working v27 and broken v68 are both 755 for dirs and 644 for files…

It worked for days, having started by rsync’ing the whole old system user-data to the new box except the ssl dir and installing. The perms still match on everything.

I tried running setup/ again. Now I’m getting

Installing Munin (system monitoring)…
no such table: auto_aliases<!doctype html>

500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.

Your Mail-in-a-Box is running.

I don’t think I’ve seen that before either. I’d like to find out the cause. The expedient solution could jsut be ‘delete everything’, copy the old user-data again and start over, but that could be a disaster or at best works and I have no idea why…

If I can get to the ‘why’ and fix it, I might learn enough to help someone else one day :wink:

When I installed v68, I did not know to check the folder perms yet, so to answer your question, I don’t know. I do know that on v69a, perms are wrong every time, in particular the vendor folder was 0700.

Finding the why requires someone who knows the gist of the entire code base, I do know parts of the code base, but not the entirety. If we can find out where /usr/local/lib/mailinabox/vendor was created, that is where I would start.

I did also try to make the setup more verbose (to see errors), but I don’t think there is such an option.

@piks That looks like a different problem. Can you start a separate topic?

I’ve pushed a new release that hopefully fixes the (original) issue in this topic for new installations.

The problem was that on new installations (or if /home/user-data/backup/secret_key.txt is missing), the “umask” is changed while creating secret_key.txt so that it is created with proper non-world-readable permissions (this refers to local Unix file permissions). In previous versions, this umask change was temporary. But it was incorrectly made non-temporary in this release, which affected the permissions of the files created after this step.

If you had the problem in this topic:

  • Since this would be on a new box, if you don’t mind just creating a new box from scratch (and restoring your data again), that would be the safest way to make sure everything is set up correctly.
  • Or simply running mailinabox will re-run the setup, and I think this ought to fix the admin asset permissions because it re-downloads the admin assets on every run of the setup, I am not sure if there are other broken permissions that won’t get fixed this way.
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Did it. Thanks.

It just smelled like the same issue at first, but with digging and dialogue, it is a different thing.

Thanks @JoshData !

I reran the install script to grab the latest version (v69b) and install it. After a reboot, the error persists.

upgrade zu 69b did not help.
the chmods from @luc brought back the admin interface but deploying a letsencrypt certificate fails with a 403 when the ca is trying to get the .well-known things.
(server was a fresh install to 69a)